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Buy Black Pepper Essential Oils Online

Black Pepper

Piper Nigrum

Black pepper is popular amongst our physically active customers due to its comforting and soothing properties to overworked muscles. It can support athletes by helping to clear the breath channels when challenged by cold temperatures. It can be a perfect complement to a winter blend to help support clear pathways and resilience to colds and flus. When diffused, it can encourage alertness and mental clarity. It is a useful one for working from home or with children when attention is needed. Hidden Gem



It can provide relief for arthritis and other muscle and joint discomforts when massaged into the skin. When applied topically, it warms the area it’s massaged into and increases circulation.

Relief, Clearing

Black pepper is popular amongst our physically active customers due to its comforting and soothing properties to overworked muscles. It can support athletes by helping to clear the breath channels when challenged by cold temperatures. It can be a perfect complement to a winter blend to help support clear pathways and resilience to colds and flus. When diffused, it can encourage alertness and mental clarity. It is a useful one for working from home or with children when attention is needed. Hidden Gem

Black pepper can be irritating and should not be used neat on the skin. Use in low concentrations, use in 1% dilution when applying to the skin in massage oils. Not recommended for use in baths. Store this oil carefully as the high monoterpene content leaves the oil vulnerable to oxidising. Once oxidised, Black Pepper oil is more likely to cause serious skin irritation or sensitisation.

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